A warm welcome to visitors, parents and prospective parents to the Kaye's Academy website.
Governor | Category |
Mrs Jeanette Dearnley | Headteacher |
Mrs Emmeline Boothroyd | Staff |
Mrs Hayley Audin | Parent |
Mrs Danielle Augustine | Parent |
Mrs Rachel Harrison | Co-opted |
Mrs Carol-Anne Lockwood | Co-opted |
Mr Brian Bailey | Co-opted |
Miss Helen Biver | Co-opted |
Vacancy | Co-opted |
Vacancy | LA |
Governing Body Documents
Committee Membership
Mrs D Augustine, Miss H Biver and Mrs C-A Lockwood
Staff Performance Management
Mrs D Augustine, Miss H Biver and Mrs C-A Lockwood
Governor Categories
Parent Governors
Parents of pupils at the school, elected by the parents. Any parent or person with parental responsibility, or carer of a registered pupil of the school at the time of the election is eligible to stand for election as a parent governor.
LA Governors
Nominated by the Local Authority. There is one place on the governing body.
Co-opted Governors (Community Governors)
Appointed by the governing body.
Staff Governors
Headteacher plus one member of staff who is elected by all the staff at the school.
Associate Members
Appointed by the governors for 1-4 years.
What do Governors do?
What is a governor?
School governors come from every walk of life. No matter what type of governor, each have the same role and responsibilities and are charged with acting in the best interests of the children in the school. Being a governor involves time, energy and a willingness to become involved in the life of the school on a regular basis over at least four years.
The different types of governors represent the school stakeholders and provide different perspectives. But they are not ‘delegates’ of these stakeholders and are not there to act in the interests of any one group. A parent governor is a representative parent, not a parent representative, although clearly, they are well placed to alert the governing body to any parental concerns. They are one of 300,000 governors in England forming one of the largest volunteer forces in the country.
Purpose of the governing body
The governing body is the school’s accountable body. It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The governing body aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their health and well-being.
Governors should act, at all times, with honesty and integrity and be ready to explain their actions and decisions to staff, pupils, parents and anyone with a legitimate interest in the school. They should both challenge and support the school.
They should set the strategic direction of the school by:
- setting the values, aims and objectives for the school
- agreeing the policy framework for achieving those aims and objectives
- setting the statutory targets and
- agreeing the school improvement strategy which includes approving the budget and agreeing the staffing structure.
They should challenge and support the school by monitoring, reviewing and evaluating:
- the implementation and effectiveness of the policy framework
- progress towards targets
- the implementation and effectiveness of the school improvement strategy and
- the budget and staffing structure.
They should ensure accountability by:
- approving school's key documents and policies
- responding to Ofsted reports when necessary
- holding the headteacher to account for the performance of the school.