Geography Subject Leader: Mrs Boothroyd
At Kaye’s it is our intention that Geography will inspire pupils to have enquiring minds and a fascination about the world and its people, that will remain with them throughout their lives. We ensure that each year group have the opportunity to explore local geographical features, both human and physical, whilst studying contrasting locations, such as European Cities, South America etc. We aim to promote the children’s interest and understanding about such diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. It is our intention that Geography will promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development helping them to have a greater understanding of their place in the world, and their rights and responsibilities to other people and the environment and its future sustainability.
Geography Subject Overview 2024 - 2025

Our Curriculum in Action
Reception - Autumn Detectives
Year 1 - Investigating our school on Google Maps and creating a route.
Year 2 - using points on a compas to navigate a treasure map
Year 2 - creating a 3D map of an imaginary village
Pupil Voice
The National Curriculum