Online Safety
Online Safety is an integral part of the school curriculum. Through our curriculum and other aspects of school life, we encourage children to celebrate what technology can offer us in a safe and responsible manner.
This is not a task we can manage alone! We aim to work in partnership with parents to provide a support network for children as they explore, communicate, play and learn online. We endeavour to provide as much information as possible for parents and will intervene quickly if we are made aware of any online safety issues within our school community.
It is important to keep reviewing practice, as a school, as a family and as a pupil – in response to the way technology changes. We regularly seek advice from the Local Authority and use key websites to keep us updated. We also listen carefully to what the children have to say.
Please spend some time looking through the information on this page and If you have any worries or concerns about online safety then please contact Mrs Fisher or your child's class teacher.
Staying Safe Online
Digital Parenting Magazine
Please click on the image below to view current and archived copies of the Digital Parenting magazine
Useful Websites
Everyday Digital is a media literacy programme providing UK families with the skills and habits to navigate the digital world. Please use the search box below to find Parent Zone's media literacy resources, including articles and videos.
Please click on the images to read the articles
Family Activity Sheets
Guides for Parents and Carers
Here are a selection of online safety books that are available to either buy, download online or watch on YouTube.
Social Media Advice for Parents/Carers
Kaye’s First & Nursery School is committed to promoting the safe and responsible use of the Internet and as such we feel it is our responsibility to raise this particular issue as a concern. Social Media platforms offer amazing communication and social connections, however they are created with their audience in mind and it is not possible to control or verify the content.
Most social media platform's terms and conditions state that all users must be 13 years or older and as such we strongly recommend that parents do not allow their children to have their own personal profiles online.
Possible risks for children under 13 using social media may include:
- They use “age targeted” advertising and your child could be exposed to adverts of a sexual or other inappropriate nature
- Children may accept friend requests from people they don’t know in real life which could increase the risk of inappropriate contact or behaviour
- Language, games, applications, groups and content posted or shared on social media is not moderated, and therefore can be offensive, illegal or unsuitable for children
- Photographs shared by users are not moderated and therefore children could be exposed to inappropriate images or even post their own
- Underage users might be less likely to keep their identities private and lying about their age can expose them to further risks regarding privacy settings and inappropriate behaviour
- Social media platforms do not verify their members therefore it is important to remember that if your child can lie about who they are online, so can anyone else!
We feel it important to point out to parents the risks of underage use of such sites, so you can make an informed decision as to whether to allow your child to have a profile or not. These profiles will have been created away from school and sometimes by a child, their friends, siblings or even parents. We will take action (such as reporting under aged profiles) if a problem comes to our attention that involves the safety or wellbeing of any of our children. We are however aware that many children do use such sites and it is possible that by banning access and removing children’s technology may mean that children do not feel able to raise any concerns or problems encountered with parents/carers or adults in school. It is also important that parents/carers are aware that whilst filtering tools or parental controls are very useful in keeping children safe online, they are not always effective and children may still access unsuitable content.
However, if you should decide to allow your child to have a social media profile we strongly advise you to be aware of the potential risks posed to your child. You may want to consider the following points.
- Check their profile is set to private and that only approved friends can see information that is posted.
- Closely monitor your child’s use and talk to them about safe and appropriate online behaviour such as not sharing. personal information, clicking on unknown links, installing applications and not posting offensive messages or photos.
- Set up your own profile so you understand how the site works and ask them to have you as a friend on their profile so you know what they are posting online.
Make sure your child understands the following rules:
- Always keep your profile private and never accept friends you don’t know in real life.
- Never post anything online which could reveal your identity or anything you wouldn’t want your parents to see.
- Only click on links that you trust and always ask an adult if you are not sure.
- Never agree to meet somebody you only know online without telling a trusted adult.
- Always tell an adult you trust if you feel threatened, see something that makes you feel worried or someone upsets you online.
Be Internet Legends Live Online Lesson
Key Stage 2 took part in a live online lesson with Google's Be Internet Legends Team. They learned about staying safe online including knowing what to share online, checking whether information is real or fake, keeping their personal information private, being kind online and what to do if they are worried about anything that they see or do online.