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Art and Design

Art and Design Subject Leader: Miss Wood

As parents cherish their child’s first mark making attempts, at Kaye’s we value all children’s expression through art. In the words of Picasso, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” At Kaye’s, we try our upmost to instil pride and confidence in our young artists and for them to carry this with them through their education and beyond. Our Art curriculum is designed to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, whilst equipping them with the knowledge and skills to be able to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. As pupils progress, they should gain a deeper understanding of how Art and Design reflects and shapes our history, and how it contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our world.

Art Subject Overview 2024 - 2025



Our Curriculum in Action

Year 4 - pencil drawings based on Egyptian gods.

Year 5 - screen printing

Year 5 - Ancient Greek Vases

Year 1 - observational drawing of a fruit basket

Year 1 - exploring texture using lines and dots 

Year 3 - oil pastel flowers

Year 4 - self portraits in the style of Picasso

Year 1 - painting beech trees and printing using leaves from our orchard.

Year 5 - artist study

Year 5 - pop art

Year 5 - Winter watercolours

Year 3 - weaving

Year 1 - print making

Year 2 - natural art in our orchard.

Year 5 - digital art

Year 2 - Barbara Hepworth clay sculptures

Year 1 - natural materials

Reception - marbling

Pupil Voice

The National Curriculum

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