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Physical Education

PE Subject Leader: Miss Marsden

At Kaye’s we aspire to promote positive attitudes towards sports and physical activity. We hope that the skills and values the children learn within our PE curriculum are ones they can carry with them throughout their lives. We ensure our PE lessons are accessible to all children and we praise effort to help build confidence and a strong self-esteem. We believe that it is important to enhance our curriculum through extra-curricular activities and events and so we offer a range of after-school clubs and encourage participation at the Shelley Pyramid events. We follow a structured scheme to guarantee that we cover a wide range of sports and can build upon the children’s prior knowledge and skills learnt to show progression across the whole school. Within our PE curriculum, we embed the values of fairness, respect and kindness to promote teamwork and resilience in the children’s participation within sport and physical activities, as well as their everyday lives. We aim to promote the children’s interest and understanding about their health and wellbeing to enable them to lead a healthy lifestyle now and beyond their time at school.

P.E. Subject Overview 2024-2025 (adapted from Shelley Schools Sports Partnership)



Our Curriculum in Action

Reception - focused on following instructions and finding a space

Year 1 - football, dribbling and passing

Year 3 - Shelley Pyramid football tournament winners!

Year 3 - gymnastics balances

Year 3 - Quad Kids with Shelley College

Year 5 - playleader training

Year 5 - tag rugby

Reception - making sure they are looking where they are going when they are running

Year 2 - dribbling and passing in football

Year 3 - fundamental skills with Sporting Age                         

Year 3 - dribbling and passing in football

.Year 4 - Shelley Pyramid football tournament winners!

Year 5 - handball

Year 5 - sports hall athletics at Shelley College

Year 1 - multi skills

Year 2 - outdoor learning at Cliffe Woods

Year 3 - netball with Sporting Age

Year 3 - dodgeball

Year 4 - repeating simple sequences of movements in order to create their own short dances

Year 4 - netball using skills of throwing, catching, passing and defending

Year 5 - residential canoeing 

Pupil Voice

The National Curriculum

SG Logo gold-2023-24

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