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History Subject Leader: Miss Wood

At Kaye’s we aim to bring history alive. We want children to develop curiosity, empathy and understanding as to what it was like to be there, whether that be during their grandparent’s childhood, during the Great Fire of London or in Egypt thousands of years ago.

We encourage children to see how learning about the past can help shape their future. Our ambitious knowledge rich curriculum is inclusive and provides for the highest expectations of progress and attainment. At Kaye’s, history lessons enable children to develop their knowledge of local, national and global history, and explore the connections between them.  We will inspire children to have the desire to learn more about the past, to evaluate evidence, think critically and generate arguments.  We encourage children to be active, excited historians who are passionate about the subject.

History Subject Overview 2023 - 2024



Our Curriculum in Action

Reception - Learning about Remembrance.

Year 1 - Visit to Cannon Hall

Year 1 - investigating Victorian objects

Year 4 - Calculating weekly food rations for children during our VE Day celebration.

Year 1 - Exploring old toys

Year 3 - an introduction to Anglo-Saxons

Year 5 - exploring evidence of coal mining in Clayton West

Year 4 - The history of Kaye's.

Reception - Learning about Remembrance Day

Year 5 - mummified oranges

Pupil Voice

The National Curriculum

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