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Music Subject Leader: Mrs Homer

At Kaye’s, we encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences that are exciting, enjoyable, and engaging. Our Music lessons, which are carefully planned to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum and are accessible to all, aim to develop pupils’ self-confidence and self-esteem, so that children feel they can express their musical creativity in a variety of ways, sharing their achievements within school and the local community.

Music Subject Overview 2024 - 2025



Our Curriculum in Action

Year 1 - Learning how to hold an Ocarina and how to play different notes.

Year 3 - Learning to play the Ukulele.

Year 3 - Christingle service

Year 4 - Learning to play the recorder and read music with quavers, crochets and minims.

The choir singing at the local care home.

EYFS Nativity

Year 1 - playing the ocarinas

Christingle service at All Saints' Church.

Year 2 - Understanding musical notes.

Year 3 - learning to play the ukelele

Pupil Voice


The National Curriculum


As a school we have been awarded the Music Mark in recognition of all the high-quality musical experiences we provide our children with here at Kaye's.

Music Mark
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