School Uniform
At Kaye’s, it is our policy to strongly encourage the wearing of the school uniform. The children look smart and we hope that parents feel able to support the uniform policy. School colours are red, white and grey.
Children should wear:
Grey skirt, shorts, trousers or pinafore dress White polo shirt, shirt or blouse or navy blue polo shirt Navy blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardiganFootwear:
Sensible shoes (preferably black) Trainers, heels, strappy sandals and flip flops must not be worn.P.E.:
Indoor Plain white t-shirt or Kaye's navy blue sports top Black or dark blue plain shorts or skort Pumps Outdoor Plain white t-shirt or Kaye's navy blue sports top Black or dark blue plain shorts or skort Black or dark blue joggers or leggings Fleece or jumper (not hoodie) TrainersHair:
We understand individuality, but extreme hairstyles are discouraged and we appreciate parental support with this. Children with long hair should have it tied back for health and safety reasons.School uniform, with Kaye’s logo, is available from Top Class and Term Time Wear in Huddersfield. You do not have to buy logoed uniform. Uniform items are widely available in supermarkets and national chain stores.