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Year 2


Welcome to Year 2

Here you can find lots of information about Year Two as well as keeping up to date with all of the new and exciting things that we get up to throughout the school year. We hope it will be a happy and fun time for everyone! Please check our Class Dojo page to keep up-to-date with all our latest adventures.


Teacher - Mrs Emmeline Boothroyd

Teacher - Mrs Emily Langfield

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Lucy Bullock


Our Curriculum

The Year 2 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Year 1 and they will continue to learn through exciting topics.

We teach topics creatively so that most subjects and concepts will link to the topic and so that children remain motivated, enthused and eager learners. The children will become independent readers and writers as the year advances.

The topics we study in Year 2 are:

Autumn 1 - The Enchanted Woodland       

Autumn 2 - Let's Celebrate

Spring 1 - Fire, Fire!                   

Spring 2 - Great Women Who...

Summer 1 - Busy Bees                       

Summer 2 - Amazing Africa


P.E is on a Monday and Tuesday. Please can you ensure that children have kit for both indoor (shorts, t-shirts and pumps) and outdoor PE (Warm tracksuit) as we do as much P.E as we can outside (weather permitting).

Homework / Helping at home

Homework will reinforce what has been happening throughout the week and we would encourage your child to always try their best.

Spellings will be uploaded to Class Dojo every Monday. These will be taught, practised and reinforced throughout the week. The learning of spellings will be assessed the following Monday.

A Maths task will also be uploaded to Class Dojo every Monday.

We will provide a reading book which is the appropriate level for your child and would encourage your child to read daily at home.

Contact info   

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or need more information. 

Email: office@kayesacademy.co.uk

Telephone: 01484 222918

Send a message via Class Dojo

School website: www.kayesacademy.co.uk

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