PSHE Subject Leader - Miss K Marsden
At Kaye’s Academy, our PSHE curriculum is a key aspect in promoting our pupil’s personal development and growth. Our curriculum encourages children to understand and value who they are, celebrate their differences, develop their resilience, and enable them to feel confident for life and learning. Our PSHE curriculum is taught through weekly lessons as well as throughout the school day which focuses on our school values of kindness, respect, and aspiration. We believe that children’s well-being is a fundamental part of their learning journey, which we support through creating positive relationships and celebrating every child’s success.
PSHE Subject Overview 2024 - 2025
Our Curriculum in Action
Year 1 - learning about respect
Reception - Children's Mental Health week
A visit from Dogs Trust
Year 3 - circle time
Year 3 - role playing scenarios
RHE Subject Leader - Miss K Marsden
At Kaye’s Academy, we believe that children’s well-being is a fundamental part of their learning journey. Relationships and Health Education (RHE) is a key aspect in promoting our pupil’s moral and emotional development by providing opportunities for children to develop essential skills to navigate their future lives.
Our RHE curriculum encourages children to become well rounded individuals with an understanding of how to maintain healthy and respectful relationships (including with families, friends and online). While promoting physical health, mental health, and well-being.
RHE is primarily taught through our weekly PSHE lessons as well as throughout the school day where opportunities arise to promote our school values of kindness, respect and aspiration. Our curriculum is also enriched by wider development learning opportunities such as visitors to school.
Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your Child's Primary School: a Guide for Parents
Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education
Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education: FAQs
As a first school, we only provide relationships and health education. Sex Education would usually be taught as part of the Year 6 curriculum and is therefore not relevant to Kaye’s Academy. However, there may be occasions when elements of the Year 6 RSE curriculum would need to be taught earlier depending on the developmental needs of the children.