Maths Subject Leader: Mrs Dearnley
Everyone can do maths!
At Kaye’s we aim to foster positive attitudes and for every child to love mathematics.
Teachers are keen to develop happy and confident young mathematicians who are fascinated and excited by the awe and wonder as they solve a problem for the first time, discover alternative solutions and make links between different areas of mathematics.
Mathematics is a tool needed for everyday life. It is a whole network of concepts and relationships which provides children with knowledge and understanding of how mathematics is used in the wider world.
The language of mathematics is international. It transcends cultural boundaries. Mathematics will help us to understand and change the world.
At Kaye’s Academy, we develop the love of mathematics through a commitment to providing high quality maths education. We follow the National Curriculum and Early Years Framework using primarily White Rose Maths Education. White Rose’s planning and resources are engaging and accessible, featuring small steps in learning, ensuring achievement for all.
Children become fluent in the fundamentals of maths so that they develop the ability to recall and apply knowledge accurately and quickly. Flashback 4s are used throughout school for retrieval practice and to develop long-term memory.
Daily lessons are filled with mathematical talk as children develop subject specific language. Learning has a CPA approach. Children use Concrete manipulatives (physical resources) to help them understand and explain their maths. Children build on this approach by using Pictorial representations to demonstrate and visualise ideas. Children move to Abstract using numbers and symbols. The CPA approach allows mathematical concepts to be explored in a variety of ways. Children can then reason confidently and enjoy solving mathematical problems.
Mathematics Subject Overview 2024 - 2025

Our Curriculum in Action
Nursery - sorting in provision
Reception - repeating patterns using natural resources
Reception - odd and even numbers on the bus
Year 1 - Adding on a Tens Frame
Year 3 - balancing equations using knowledge of inverse
Year 5 - exploring common multiples – layers of chocolates in a box!
Reception - capacity conkers!
Reception - length and height of our friends
Year 1 - learning to use Venn diagrams to sort objects.
Reception - addition
Year 2 - place value
Year 3 - division with remainders using concrete manipulatives
Reception - Humpty Dumpty positional language
Reception - contructions in China, exploring 3D shapes
Year 1 - measuring in centimetres
Year 1 - representing numbers in different ways
Year 2 - problem solving.
Year 4 - multiplication
Year 4 - division
Pupil Voice
