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Maths Subject Leader: Mrs Dearnley

Everyone can do maths!

At Kaye’s we aim to foster positive attitudes and for every child to love mathematics.

Teachers are keen to develop happy and confident young mathematicians who are fascinated and excited by the awe and wonder as they solve a problem for the first time, discover alternative solutions and make links between different areas of mathematics.

Mathematics is a tool needed for everyday life. It is a whole network of concepts and relationships which provides children with knowledge and understanding of how mathematics is used in the wider world.

The language of mathematics is international. It transcends cultural boundaries. Mathematics will help us to understand and change the world.

Mathematics Subject Overview 2023 - 2024


Our Curriculum in Action

Nursery - sorting in provision

Reception - repeating patterns using natural resources

Reception - odd and even numbers on the bus

Year 1 - Adding on a Tens Frame

Year 3 - balancing equations using knowledge of inverse

Year 5 - exploring common multiples – layers of chocolates in a box!

Reception - capacity conkers!

Reception - length and height of our friends

Year 1 - learning to use Venn diagrams to sort objects.

Reception - addition

Year 2 - place value

Year 3 - division with remainders using concrete manipulatives

Reception - Humpty Dumpty positional language

Reception - contructions in China, exploring 3D shapes

Year 1 - measuring in centimetres

Year 1 - representing numbers in different ways

Year 2 - problem solving.

Year 4 - multiplication

Year 4 - division

White Rose(1)
Times Tables Rockstars(1)
Everyone Can Do MathsFlashback 4aConcrete, Pictoral, AbstractPictoral
wr2White Rose Parents
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