Computing Subject Leader: Miss Tang
At Kaye’s Academy, we recognise that Computing and ICT will undoubtedly continue to play a major role in the children’s lives at home, in further education and future workplaces. We aim to ensure that their key experiences and developing abilities are both transferable and effective life skills.
We believe children should have a deep understanding of information technology, computer science and digital literacy to help them to understand both the natural and digital systems in the world around them. Our aim is that pupils can safely and confidently use a range of technology to creatively express themselves and to be active participants in the digital world.
Our unique computing curriculum at Kaye’s, not only enables children to learn and use a variety of computing skills, but is also engaging and up to date. From Year 1, children are learning to use technology to program toys, create digital art and email their classmates. Our exciting curriculum builds upon basic computing skills, and children leave Kaye’s as computing experts. Where possible links are made to topics, to fully immerse children in Kayes’ bespoke curriculum.
Computing Subject Overview 2024 - 2025

Our Curriculum in Action
Year 4 - online safety using CEOP's Play, Like, Share scheme of work
Year 2 - controlling Roamer through a maze
Year 4 - creating a two player game with scoring system
Year 3 - staying safe online with Be Internet Legends
Year 2 - learning about input and output devices
Year 1 - using the laptops to create a pictogram
Year 2 - controlling Beebot to complete challenges
Year 1 - emailing using DB Primary
Year 1 - controlling Blue-bot using an iPad
Year 3 - sharing the game we made for younger children
Year 4 - creating animations using Cloud Stop Motion software
Year 2 - completing Hour of Code challenges on an iPad
Year 1 - using the iPads to take photographs
Year 2 - the role of the different components inside a computer
Year 3 - sending and receiving messages using semaphore
Pupil Voice
The National Curriculum
Online Safety
Online Safety is an integral part of the school curriculum. It is vital to help children enjoy the wonderful opportunities that our technological world can offer. Through our curriculum and other aspects of school life, we encourage children to celebrate what technology can offer us in a safe, respectful and responsible manner. In addition to the curriculum, we take the opportunity to raise awareness of online safety through national events such as Safer Internet Day. We also intervene quickly if we are made aware of any online safety issues within our school community.
We aim to work in partnership with parents to provide a support network for children as they explore, communicate, play and learn online. We endeavour to provide as much information as possible for parents through our school website.
Please visit our Parent's Online Safety page for up-to-date information.