Design and Technology Subject Leader: Mrs Boothroyd
At Kaye’s, we believe that Design and Technology should be delivered in a way that inspires pupils and allows for creativity and imagination to flourish.
We provide unique opportunities for our children to understand and discover Design and Technology from past and present designs and consider the impact these have had on daily life. When designing, children are encouraged to communicate their ideas through discussion with their peers, diagrams, mock-ups and prototypes, allowing for error and improvement through the process. Over the Key Stages, they gain technical knowledge relating to structures, mechanisms, textiles and food technology and develop skills when using various tools, considering safety and building on accuracy. Our children are encouraged to evaluate their ideas and products along the way to meet both design briefs and also to allow for creative improvement.
As a school, we aim to build an understanding of the impact of design and technology in our daily lives and in the wider world. We encourage our children to become resourceful, creative and enterprising citizens who have the imagination and skills to impact the future.
Design and Technology Subject Overview 2024 - 2025

Our Curriculum in Action
Year 2 - making fire engines using wheels and axels
Year 5 - designing a Mars rover
Year 1 - making fruit salad
Year 3 - designing and making a sandwich
Year 2 - making bread in the school kitchen
Year 5 - using equipment to make a Mars rover
Year 1 - making rockets
Year 4 - making lamps
Year 5 - sawing an axel for a moving vehicle
Year 5 - creating a Mars rover
Year 2 - evaluating the design of a den
Year 3 - learning to sew
Pupil Voice

The National Curriculum